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Dino Valley/ Quest Accessories

quarta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2010

 Binoculars - 0.75€

Bow + 3 arrows - 1€

 Canteen - 0.75€

Set of bones/ fossils - Unassembled - 4€ (2 available)

DV3 Backpack (3 available) - 0.5€

Binoculars and flashlight set - 0.75€

Camera - 0.50€

Club - 0.35€ (4 available)

DV3 Weapons case - 2€ (3 available)

DV3 Weapons tree - 2€

Crossbow and 5 arrows - 2€

First Aid box with tools - 4€

Flag (mega hauler/towers) - 2€ (2 available)

Flintlock-like pistol - 0.50€ (3 available)

Lantern - 2.5€

Rubber net (size M) - 2€ (4 available)

Noose - 1€

Decorative plants/vase set - 2€ (2 available)

Handheld radar - 1€

Searchlight - 1€

DV3 assembled skeleton - 2.5€

Spear - 0.5€ (3 available)

Torch spear - 0.50€ (4 available)

Trapper net - 1€ (2 available)

Claw (manual) - 1.5€ (3 available)

Claw (rubber band activated) - 2€ (3 available)

 Claw (small) - 1€ (2 available)

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